friedberg says. it’s easier to pull up an anti-biden meme page on facebook, for example, than it is to locate a genuine fan hub. meanwhile, 4chan is crawling with plots to meme the democratic candidate into defeat. one involves doctoring images to look like biden is using the pedobear...
The study was also not advertised on 4chan, which some incels suggested may include more a more radical faction. How these individuals may differ from the incels in the present study is unknown, but worth future consideration. Similarly, the present study recruited incels through incel forums ...
"export_for_4chan": true, "img_downscale_threshold": 4.0, "target_side_length": 4000.0, "img_max_size_mp": 200.0, "use_original_name_batch": true, "use_upscaler_name_as_suffix": false, "save_selected_only": true, "save_init_img": false, "temp_dir": "", "clean_temp_dir_at...
A digital platform expert, who requested anonymity due to fear of being doxxed, noted that 4chan and 8chan now host some of the most vile speech on the internet. "Since it's anonymous, they've always said hateful stuff but they've taken up under the banner of Trump to make peoples' ...
“4chan has faced numerous challenges over the years,” Poole said in his post. “But the biggest hurdle it’s had to overcome is myself. As 4chan’s sole administrator, decision maker, and keeper of most of its institutional knowledge, I’ve come to represent an uncomfortably large singl...
That’s why you should make all your social media accounts private, and create different usernames and passwords for online social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Reddit, 4Chan, Discord, YouTube, etc. Data broker doxxing is when doxxers purchase victims’ personal information from ...
Interestingly, QAgg is the only aggregator who counts the 4chan post that the first Q drop quotes as “drop 0” and includes it in a block of 128 drops that make up a puzzle to solve. “I and many others believe that the current drop 128 indicates that the first batch of drops equa...
For Lety, though, it wasn't just a good marketing opportunity but a chance to become a permanent fixture in a game she'd been a fan of since it was a janky, crass one-man project shared around on image boards like 4Chan. Since then, House Party has grown to become an immensely pop...
It was appalling when the cretins of the internet started using artificial intelligence to create porn of people who don’t want porn made of them, but the newest trend from the darkest-and-dorkiest corner of the internet, 4chan, is using AI to “fix” images of provocatively dressed ...
Correction:4chan’s /b/ “pool’s closed” raids are largely considered to be insulting, degrading and inappropriate. Early reportsalleged it startedbecause of a perceived attack by Habbo Hotel moderators on a group of players. We’ve updated this piece to reflect these changes....