Geo-material microfluidic chip (centred) and its applications/features. This figure highlights the ability to re-create the reservoir rock environment, due to the added minerals on the grains and pore space of the microfluidic platform. This type of microfluidics devices can capture several important...
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被引量: 803发表: 1978年 Molecular Mechanisms for Proton Transport in Membranes Likely mechanisms for proton transport through biomembranes are explored. The fundamental structural element is assumed to be continuous chains of hydrogen bonds formed from the protein side groups, and a molecular example ...
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Website LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Inc. Honors Inc. 5000 No. 2741(2024)185% 3-Year Growth No. 3110(2023),No. 3190(2022),No. 4038(2021),No. 3792(201...
Bhatia S, Francisco L, Carter A, Sun CL, Baker KS, Gurney JGet al. Late mortality after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation and functional status of long-term survivors: report from the Bone Marrow Transplant Survivor Study.Blood2007;110: 3784–3792. ...
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