IS 3370-4-1-2021的历代版本如下: 2021年IS 3370-4-1-2021用于保留水性液体的混凝土结构 实践规范-4 设计表-1 板 为响应国家号召,推广中国国家强制标准,部分GB(中国国家强制标准)可以在本站下载到标准文本,也可以前往中国国家标准化委员会网站下载。除此以外的所有标准,本站均没有相应标准的完整文本,无法提供...
IS 3370-2-2021相似标准 IS 3370-3-2021用于保留水性液体的混凝土结构实践规范-3 预应力混凝土结构IS 3370 Pt.2-1965液体储存混凝土结构实施规范第 Ⅱ 部分钢筋混凝土结构DIN 1045-2 E 2022-7混凝土、钢筋和预应力混凝土结构第2部分:混凝土结构AS 3735:1991用于保留液体的混凝土结构IS 3370-4-1-2021用于保留水性液...
pombe cells was extracted using an E.Z.N.A.TM Yeast DNA kit (Omega D3370). A total of 100 ng of genomic DNA was used as the template. The cox1 and act1 genes were used to represent mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA, respectively. Their cycle threshold (CT) values were obtained ...
it is urgent to find potentially effective drugs against AD. DL-3-n-butylphthalide (NBP) is a compound extracted from celery seed and is a multiple-target drug. Several studies have demonstrated the neuroprotective effects of NBP on cognitive...
Water is one of the most basic necessities of humans, both for survival and environmental improvement. With the ongoing population growth and climate chang
Miz1 is a zinc finger protein that regulates the expression of cell cycle inhibitors as part of a complex with Myc. Cell cycle-independent functions of Miz1 are poorly understood. Here we use a Nestin-Cre transgene to delete an essential domain of Miz1 in the central nervous system (Miz1...
IS 3370-3-2021 发布历史 IS 3370-3-2021由印度标准局 BIS 发布于 2021-01-01。 IS 3370-3-2021 用于保留水性液体的混凝土结构 实践规范-3 预应力混凝土结构的最新版本是哪一版? 最新版本是IS 3370-3-2021。 IS 3370-3-2021的历代版本如下:
IS 3370-4-3-2021 2021年 发布单位 印度标准局 当前最新 IS 3370-4-3-2021 购买 正式版 IS 3370-4-3-2021相似标准 IS 3370-4-1-2021用于保留水性液体的混凝土结构实践规范-4设计表-1 板IS 3370-3-2021用于保留水性液体的混凝土结构实践规范-3预应力混凝土结构IS 3370-4-2-2021用于保留水性液体的混凝土结...
Blood 97:3370–3379 Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Mcallister LD, Doolittle NC, Guastadisegni PE, Kraemer DF, Lacy CA, Crossen JR, Neuwelt EA (2000) Cognitive outcomes and long term follow up results after enhanced chemotherapy delivery for primary central nervous system lymphoma. ...
3- independent necrotic cell death43,52,53,54,55. Although our data clearly indicated that caspase-9 and caspase-3 become activated following intoxication with the GAP domain of ExoS (Figs3and4), two questions remained; (1) Does the GAP domain of ExoS have the ability to cause cytotoxicity...