IS 210: 2009 Indian Standard GREY IRON CASTINGS - SPECIFICATION ( Fifth Revision) 1 SCOPE namel y, grades FG 150, FG 200 , FG 220, FG 260 , FG 300, FG 350 and FG 400 . The de signat ion system Thi s stand ard covers the requirements for grey iron for grey ca st iron is ...
Amounts Tender Value Refer Document EMD Refer Document Document Cost Refer Document tender for bearing housing,part no.5612 bearing housing,part no.5612,mat.- c.i. is 210 fg 260 for neutralization pitpump, model- cpp1:100 x 80 - 400 (r/l), drg no. ch88/cc- b1849, make: su motor...
The as-prepared LFG with the introduction of 3 wt% FG led to a remarkable increase in the rate capability and cycling life of lithium electrodes. Chong et al. [143] prepared porous N-doped graphene fibre webs (N-GFWs) by an easy wet-spinning process. The wet chemical strategy ... 查权重 注册商 西安千喜网络科技有限公司 注册时间 2024年09月03日 过期时间 2025年09月03日 域名年龄 1年 DNS 状态 正常(ok) 安全认证 相关查询 过期域名查询|域名删除时间查询|ICP备案查询|IP地址查询|网站权重查询|SEO综合查询 ...
of surface becomes important and the properties transition with respect to the bulk is particularly noticeable [208,241,248,249], their surface chemistry has been the topic of extensive research and contributions, mostly on oxide NCs [36,41,50,202,209,210,215,219,221,222,240,246,250–260]...
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