佳能已经宣布发布RF 135mm F1.8 L IS USM,这是一款具有图像稳定功能的长焦prime镜头。远摄主镜由12组17个元件构成,包括三个超低色散(UD)元件。它的最小对焦距离为70厘米(27.6英寸),使用九叶片光圈,并有一个82毫米的前滤镜线。镜头使用佳能的Air Sphere涂层,以最大限度地减少眩光和重影,并在最前面的元...
Gauss Prime Access – traileri Ilmaispelien tapahtumat Uusimmat kausipäivitykset ja tapahtumat Aivan uusia kausia, yksittäisiä kilpailuja ja uusia paikkoja tutkittaviksi – ota selvää, mitä tapahtuu juuri nyt suurimmissa ilmaispeleissä. Chapter 6 Season 2: LAWLESS | Fortnite Ry...
Forty years ago, director Ridley Scott’sBlade Runnermovie redefined sci-fi with its vision of the future. Now, Scott is moving the franchise even further down the timeline.Deadlineis reporting that aBlade Runner 2099series is in development at Amazon Prime Video. Scott had previously said that...
国家补贴:硅基动感 轻享SiPrime ECO高频会员卡 分体式动态血糖仪 330天动态自由卡 1742.3元 1/16 2/16 3/16 4/16优惠爆料原文 购买渠道 京东 商品好评率100% 商品优惠 满1000减100元优惠券 去购买 京东该商品参加每满200减30、满1000减100元优惠券的促销活动,当前到手价1699.00元,降价前售价为1799.00...
2614_prime_diagonal.cpp Adding Leetcode Solutions Jul 2, 2023 2615_sum_of_distance.cpp Adding Leetcode Solutions Jul 2, 2023 278_firstbad_version.cpp Adding Leetcode Solutions Jul 2, 2023 283_move_all_zeros.cpp Adding Leetcode Solutions Jul 2, 2023 283_move_zeros.cpp Adding Leetcode Solut...
In a preview forPunisher#3 by David Pepose and Dave Wachter, Joe Garrison is on the run from the police, asthe Punisher is the prime suspect for the murders of his wife and kids. Garrison has just finished interrogating a crime boss who might have known something about his family’s deat...
This paper is to show that Heracles is the prime example of a hero’s journey through his actions and the struggles that he faced during his life until he was about to die but instead of death, his father, Zeus, saved him and he conquered the mortal realm, to become a god. 2099 Wor...
Gauss Prime Access – traileri Ilmaispelien tapahtumat Uusimmat kausipäivitykset ja tapahtumat Aivan uusia kausia, yksittäisiä kilpailuja ja uusia paikkoja tutkittaviksi – ota selvää, mitä tapahtuu juuri ...
Nordstrom has extended its Half-Yearly Sale through Jan. 9. Snag huge discounts on everything from women's clothing to household items and much more.
Oscar Isaac's role inSpider-Man: Into the Spider-Versewas very small, but it definitely teases larger things to come for his character. He plays Miguel O'Hara, also known as Spider-Man 2099, and he only appears inInto The Spider-Verse's after-credits scene. O'Hara is a geneticist wh...