aleap month of 30 days) is added for the same reason that leapdaysare added to our solar calendar---to keep up to the exact solar orbit of 365.2422 days in a (solar) year. Notice that a leap month may occur on any one of the above three "time" slots, depending ...
The broadening cycles are themselves grouped in cycles of four. (See table two.) That is,every fourth broadening cycle repeats the same form of leap-month adjustment.For example, the 40-year cycle is "normal," in that a leap-month is added as normal. And likewise, four broadening cycles ...
Between them, according to WPP2022, they will add 2.4 billion people by the time global population peaks in 2086. That is 97% of the total expected increase in global population (other countries will also contribute substantially, but will be off-set by population declines elsewhere.) Figure ...