Therefore, 1290 days is simply 1260 days with an intercalary month added. An intercalarymonth(i.e.,aleap month of 30 days) is added for the same reason that leapdaysare added to our solar calendar---to keep up to the exact solar orbit of 365.2422 days in a (solar) year. Notice that...
The broadening cycles are themselves grouped in cycles of four. (See table two.) That is,every fourth broadening cycle repeats the same form of leap-month adjustment.For example, the 40-year cycle is "normal," in that a leap-month is added as normal. And likewise, four broadening cycles ...
-Courtesy Ciity of Greenbelt The Water Is Clear at the Lake by Mary Lou Williamson Water quaJity in Green- belt Lake took a giant leap forward last Friday, July 10 and "by Monday, you could see nine and a half feet down into the lake water," Celia Wason, Director of Plann!ing and...
Greenbelt School Study Mach described how the study in these two schools who are ab- sent more than 20 days in the year. Both of these schools have had a large turnover in teachers. Greenbelt Elementary has seen the regular meeting. After many months of negotia- tions, Greenbelt, as part...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences Review All That Glitters Is Not Silver—A New Look at Microbiological and Medical Applications of Silver Nanoparticles Paweł Kowalczyk 1,* , Mateusz Szymczak 2 , Magdalena Maciejewska 3 , Łukasz Laskowski 4 , Magdalena Laskowska 4 , Ryszard O...