[30]Wamsteker K, Emanuel MH, de Kruif JH. Transcervical hysteroscopic resectionof submucous fifibroids for abnormal uterine bleeding: results regarding thedegree of intramural extension. Obstet Gynecol 1993;82(5):736–40. [31]Munro MG, Critchley HO, Brod...
Of 24 donors included for the JAK2V617F test, none had a positive report. This study suggests high hemoglobin in blood donors is less likely due to PV. Hence, re-considering their deferral may help alleviate donor anxiety and allow donor return. However, multi-centric studies are required ...
In the group of patients with diabetes we found significantly (p=0.013) higher maximal hemoglobinA1C concentration in the carriers of the RAGE -429C allele, this trait, however was not linked to the 8.1 AH. Our present findings indicate that the RAGE -429C allele can be considered as a ...
Resistance artery vasodilation in response to hypoxia is essential for matching tissue oxygen and demand. In hypoxia, erythrocytic hemoglobin tetramers produce nitric oxide through nitrite reduction. We hypothesized that the alpha subunit of hemoglobin e
Hemoglobin is a protein molecule of RBC that provides oxygen to the tissues. Read the article mentioned below.
Our aim was to determine which criterion- hyperglycemia or high levels of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C) is more associated with increased mortality and morbidity after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG).Two hundred and sixteen patients who underwent elective CABG were enrolled in this prospective st...
These differences persisted after correction for hemoglobin; vasopressors use and mean arterial pressure [119]. This suggests to us that monitoring CEUS within 24 h of ICU admission is useful in the clinic. Studies that have also performed continuous CEUS renal monitoring have found that for macro...
Changes in cerebral arterial, tissue and venous oxygenation with evoked neural stimulation: implications for hemoglobin-based functional neuroimaging. J. Cereb. Blood Flow. Metab. 30, 428–439 (2010). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Lecoq, J. et al. Odor-evoked oxygen consumption by action ...
Factory Price H7 High Accuracy Medical Use Poct Hba1c Diagnostic Hemoglobin Analyzer with CE US$200.00-260.00 / Piece 1 Piece (MOQ) Contact Now Immunologic Diagnosis Comparison Quick View Kehua Biotech Polaris I2400 Modular Chemiluminescence Immunassay Analyzer ...
Analyte stability was determined for three human serum and plasma EDTA samples after 24 hours of storage at either 4°C or 20°C. Recovery was calculated with samples stored at −20°C as reference. Interference was determined by adding a low/high content of hemoglobin (0.155/0.310 mM), ...