IS 15130-3-2021的仪器设备信息,天然气 气相色谱法测定成分和相关不确定度 第3部分 精度和偏差, Natural Gas-Determination of Composition and associated Uncertainty by Gas Chromatography - Part 3 Preci
107 BIS IS 15130: PART 3-2002 2002-01-01 English Natural Gas - Determination of Composition with Defined Uncertainty by Gas Chromatography - Part 3 : Determination of Hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide and Hydrocarbons up to C8 using two Packed Columns 108 BIS IS 10555-2002 2...
107 BIS IS 15130: PART 3-2002 2002-01-01 English Natural Gas - Determination of Composition with Defined Uncertainty by Gas Chromatography - Part 3 : Determination of Hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide and Hydrocarbons up to C8 using two Packed Columns 108 BIS IS 10555-2002 2...
Event 15130 - 'test' failed to start. (Virtual machine ID 966102ED-7BD1-4FBB-8E5B-5FAE6ED96B84)ANDEvent 20144 - The Virtual Machine Management Service failed to start the virtual machine 'test' because one of the Hyper-V components is not running (Virtual machine ID 966102ED-7BD...
Event 15130 - 'test' failed to start. (Virtual machine ID 966102ED-7BD1-4FBB-8E5B-5FAE6ED96B84)ANDEvent 20144 - The Virtual Machine Management Service failed to start the virtual machine 'test' because one of the Hyper-V components is not running (Virtual machine ID 966102ED-7BD1... pnas.1513047112 55. Schnelle M, Catibog N, Zhang M, Nabeebaccus AA, Anderson G, Richards DA, Sawyer G, Zhang X, Toischer K, Hasenfuss G, Monaghan MJ, Shah AM (2018) Echocardiographic evaluation of diastolic function in mouse models of heart disease...
Nowak, K.F., Tabidze, V., and McCarty, R.E. (2002). The C-terminal domain of the 3 subunit of the chloroplast ATP synthase is not required for ATP synthesis. Biochemistry 41, 15130-15134.Nowak KF, Tabidze V, McCarty RE (2002) The C-terminal domain of the e subunit of the ...
This is common in G4-binding proteins, such as nucleolin that recognizes the G4 backbone and/or loops10; the Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein that recognizes the duplex region, the duplex–quadruplex junction, and a mixed tetrad of an mRNA G4 element11; ss-overhangs are part of the ...
271, 15130–15138 (1996). 54. Corfield, A. P., Ferreira do Amaral, C., Wember, M. & Schauer, R. The metabolism of O-acyl-N-acylneuraminic acids. Biosynthesis of O-acylated sialic acids in bovine and equine submandibular glands. Eur. J. Biochem. 68, 597–610 (1976). 55. Shen,...
The vessel has a central body (1) attached with side floats (2, 2 '), where a forward end of the central body is in wedge-shaped. The forward end of the central body is provided with an edge part (3). Channels are attached with sides of the central body for connecting two windows...