Reaffirmed )
one can point to a few commonalities among the various definitions. For Bloom [7], for instance, prevention is usually interdisciplinary and has as its goal a long-term change on several levels. Conceived more broadly, prevention can be understood as a path to reducing potential injuries to bo...
13549 3336 ñ6973 3月29日 12:01 来自OnePlus 7T 已编辑 û收藏 转发 1 ñ赞 c +关注 马贡多正在下雨 3月25日 00:18 来自HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro 转发微博 @onlyanose ... 849 509 ñ4735 3月24日 21:14 来自微博 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞...