印度插脚标准STQC-Plug type-IS1293-new
Base on Announcement by BIS, The last date of concurrent running of IS 1293: 2005 and IS 1293 : 2019 has now been extended up to 23rd October 2021. What to do if end product was certificated with plug under IS 1293:2005 and would like to upgrade to IS 1293:2019? Here are three com...
Based on the outcome of the meeting and feedback from the industry, and adding 10A current rating into Amendment 2 to IS 1293: 2019 is under discussing, and it may take 8-10 months to get printed. Manufacture can get 10A of Plug or Socket-outlet granted as per 2019 in the near ...
To determine the fixation of pins in the body of the plug, conform to IEC60884-1 figure 30,IS 1293 Fig.25. The plug is placed on a rigid steel plate provided with holes suitable for the pins of the plug. The distances between the centres of the holes shall be the same as ...
Plug Pin Abrasion Testing Machine Product details: Model ZLT-CTZ1: To determine the abrasion resistance of insulating sleeves of plug pins by moving backwards and forwards, according to IEC60884-1 Fig 28, EN 50075 Fig 9, VDE0620 bile 29 and BS1363 Fig 9,IS 1293 fig 23. The...
{1293 ms}Start platform OpenGL# displays: 1Display 0Display: \\.\DISPLAY1Main: TRUEBuilt in: FALSEStereo: FALSEBounds: (0, 0) -> (1,920, 1,080)Dimensions: (1,920 1,080)Physical size: (0 0)Pixel size: (0 0)Dynamic range: (0 1)Potential ...
{1293 ms}Start platform OpenGL# displays: 1Display 0Display: \\.\DISPLAY1Main: TRUEBuilt in: FALSEStereo: FALSEBounds: (0, 0) -> (1,920, 1,080)Dimensions: (1,920 1,080)Physical size: (0 0)Pixel size: (0 0)Dynamic range: (0 1)Potential ...
Product Name:IEC60227/IEC60245/EN50525/GB2023/GB2013/IS694 List of Equipments Product category:Test equipment lists of Lab & Testing bodyProduct Description[ Previous: List of equipment in compliance with IEC 60320-1 ][ Next: Testing instruments for plugs and sockets as per IS 1293:2005 ]...
ID1293: lower-powered countertop unit Samsung: Secura: seeDuxTop Senken: MARSEILLE: countertop portable unit LUXEMBOURG: 2-element countertop portable unit Smeg: SIMU524B: 4-element 24-inch-wide induction cooktop SIMU530B: 4-element 30-inch-wide induction cooktop ...
EN50525,IS1293,GB5013,JB/T734-2012, JB/T735-2011,UL1581-2011,UL2556-2011,UL62-2013单芯线载流量 电子电气装备中使用的耐高温电线电缆在环境温度60℃时长期连续负荷下的允许载流量。对于软线、屏蔽线也可参考表中的规定选择额定载流量 RH-6033 UL电线电缆耐燃烧试验箱http://www.cestr.com/cn/product...