Simon: Okay, Jeanette, the third number is notoriously the hardest to crack. It's most likely a prime number, but we can't assume that. Jeanette: Simon, the first two were one. I'm going to have to go with one. * click* Jeanette: It worked!
(example: 255277, 112233, 123123) How many integers greater than 5400 have both of the following properties? (a) The digits are distinct. (b) The digits 2 and 7 do not occur. Find x, and y. Then find the equation of the least-squares...
(example: 255277, 112233, 123123) How many 3 digit positive integers are odd and do not contain the digit 5? How many positive three-digit integers can be written in such a way that the first digit is greater than both the second and third digit? 1. ...
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 8:15429 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15429 | 5 ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15429 a Mx1-cre Mx1-cre Mx1-cre Mx1-cre control Asxl1fl/fl control Asxl2fl/fl 1212 123123 b Mx1-cre Asxl2fl/fl 26 129 Mx1-cre As...
(example: 255277, 112233, 123123) Let A and B be sets with |A | = 7, \; | B | = 10. Count the number of functions f : A \to A that are not injective. In a total integer model, all decision variables have integer solut...