宽天下标准翻译-英译中-BIS IS汽车标准【中文版翻译+PDF原版】 可获取到最新版本标准规范文献PDF和word文件: 1 BIS IS 394-1985 1985-01-01 English Ink, Cloth Marking 2 BIS IS 4111: PART 2-1985 1985-01-01 English Code of practice for ancillary structures in sewerage system: Part II Flusing ...
InProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108 (27) (2011), pp. 11252-11255 Nelson Cowan George Miller’s Magical Number of Immediate Memory in Retrospect: Observations on the Faltering Progression of Science ...
01.02.2021 Betagard Residual Current Breaker Operators 5SU1, 10kA • Standards: IS 12640, Part 2:2016/IEC 61009-1:2012 • Voltage: 240/415Vac, 50Hz • With ISI marking: CM/L No. 7676193 Type A, with C Characteristics (in 2 module size)$ Rated residual cur...
3 BIS IS 11255: PART 3-2008 2008-01-01 English Methods for measurement of emissions from stationary sources : Part 3 Flow rate 4 BIS IS 12942-2008 2008-01-01 English Cigrettes - Sampling 5 BIS IS 1448: PART 90-2008 2008-01-01 English Methods of test for petroleum and its products:...