Methods of test for cables:Part 20 Cold bend test IS 10810-20-1984 发布历史 IS 10810-20-1984由印度标准局 BIS 发布于 1984-01-01。 IS 10810-20-1984 电缆试验方法:第20部分 冷弯试验的最新版本是哪一版? 最新版本是IS 10810-20-1984。
最新版本是IS 10810 Pt.20-1984。 IS 10810 Pt.20-1984的历代版本如下: 1985年IS 10810 Pt.20-1984电缆试验方法 第20部分冷弯试验 1.1 涵盖了测定热塑性或弹性体绝缘体或电缆护套在低温和霜冻下的抗弯曲性的方法。 1.2 本试验适用于直径12.5mm以下的试样,超过该直径则认为本试验不可行。对于直径超过 12.5 mm...
97 BIS IS 11943: PART 5-1987 1987-01-01 English Hard Metal Burrs - Part 5 : Oval Burrs (Type E) 98 BIS IS 1448: PART 124-1987 1987-01-01 English Methods of test for petroleum and its products: Part 124 Dilution of gasoline engine crankcase oils 99 BIS IS 12163-1987 1987-01-01 ...
97 BIS IS 11943: PART 5-1987 1987-01-01 English Hard Metal Burrs - Part 5 : Oval Burrs (Type E) 98 BIS IS 1448: PART 124-1987 1987-01-01 English Methods of test for petroleum and its products: Part 124 Dilution of gasoline engine crankcase oils 99 BIS IS 12163-1987 1987-01-01 ...
直流电阻 IS: 10810(Part 5)-1984 印度标准 电线测试方法 第5部分 导体电阻测试 IS: 10810(Part 5)-1984 立即询价 铂(Pt) DZG 20-05 -1990 立即询价 Pt-A溶液中Pt含量的测定 IWI-CCM- 002-102:2019 IWI-CCM-002-102:2019 立即询价 Pt GB/T 17418.6-2010 地球化学样品中贵金属分析方法 第6部分:铂...
标准号:IS 10810 Pt.48-1984 发布日期:1985/9/1 12:00:00 实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00 适用范围:Covers the determination of dielectric power factor of the dielectric material of electric cable as a function of either voltage or temperature or both. ...
149 BIS IS 10810: PART 59-1988 1988-01-01 English Methods of test for cables: Part 59 Determination of the amount of halogen acid gas evolved during combustion of polymeric materials taken from cables - Includes Amendment 1; 2011 150 BIS IS 9000: PART 7: SEC 6-1988 1988-01-01 English...
149 BIS IS 10810: PART 59-1988 1988-01-01 English Methods of test for cables: Part 59 Determination of the amount of halogen acid gas evolved during combustion of polymeric materials taken from cables - Includes Amendment 1; 2011 150 BIS IS 9000: PART 7: SEC 6-1988 1988-01-01 English...
61 BIS IS 10810: PART 27-1984 1984-01-01 English Methods of Test for Cables - Part 27 : Ash Content Test of Insulating Paper62 BIS IS 10779-1984 1984-01-01 English Reference Coupler for the Calibration of Earphones Used in Audiometry63 BIS IS 10781-1984 1984-01-01 English Reference ...
IS10810-4IndianStandard(Reaffirmed2001) METHODSOFTESTFORCABLES-PART4PERSULPHATETESTOFCONDUCTOR导体过硫酸盐测试 1-Scope—Coverstwomethodsfordeterminationofexposedcopperincaseoftinnedcopperwireforconductors usedinelectricalcables.范围-涵盖两种测量电缆中导体用镀锡铜线时暴露铜的方法。 2.Significance—Copperwiresaretin...