slow acetylatic type slow action fertilize slow adj slow convergence slow down dangerous c slow down reset slow edit slow hands slow inactivator slow oxide slurry was slow pitch softball slow replacement slow scan television slow shtter slow snail slow social slow transit constipa slow vehicle lane...
it changes because yo it code it could be dangerous it couldve been i did it desktop it develops fairly fa it did enter my mind it didnt occur to me it displayed the zodi it does without sayin it doesnt matter it doesnt hurt when i it doesnt matter abou it doesnt matter it doesnt ...
Sometimes I feel palpitations, I don't have any chest pain or shortness of breath,when test done they found that my thyroid profile is normal ,even echo test are normal,only ecg is abnormal with hr 104 this dangerous and how could I lower my heart rate Asked for Male, 24 Ye...
[1100星][28d] bo0om/fuzz.txt Potentially dangerous files [1006星][19d] [Py] thekingofduck/fuzzdicts Web Pentesting Fuzz 字典,一个就够了。 重复区段: 工具/漏洞&&漏洞管理&&漏洞发现/挖掘&&漏洞开发&&漏洞利用&&Fuzzing/资源收集 | [990星][28d] [C] google/fuzzer-test-suite Set of tests...
A stimulus, configured with a paired-pulse paradigm, was administered. Our study examined how PPI influences BR excitability recovery (BRER) in response to dual SON stimulation.Electrical prepulses were applied to the index finger, 100 milliseconds prior to the sound emission known as SON.The ...
•Laserbeamscanbedangerous,andcancauseeyeinjurysifusedincorrectly. Neverattempttorepairtheinstrumentyourself. •Causeeyeinjuryorblindness. Donotstareintobeam. •Hightemperaturemaycausefire. Donotcoverthechargerwhileitischarging. •Riskoffireorelectricshock. Donotusedamagedpowercable,plugandsocket. •...
Normally, mice avoid exploration of the potentially dangerous open arms, which pointed to reduced anxiety in SPRED2 KO mice. Similar to the OF test, the total distance traveled during the EPM test was decreased (Figure 2b), again suggesting a basically impaired locomotion. Species-conform ...
[A] 100 µs 1 1 ms 10 ms DC 0.1 0.05 0.02 10-1 0.01 100 10-1 10-1 single pulse 100 101 102 10-2 10-6 10-5 10-4 VDS[V] 10-2 10-1 100 tp[s] ID=f(VDS);TC=25°C;D=0;parameter:tp Final Data Sheet 10-3 ZthJC=f(tp);parameter:D=tp/T 6 Rev....
half sine pulse Surge non-repetitive forward current Surge repetitive forward current IFSM 103 57 TC = 25℃, tp = 10ms, half sine wave D = 0.1 IFRM A Power dissipation i2t value Ptot ∫i2dt Tj 187 53 W TC = 25℃ A2s TC = 25℃, tp = 10ms Operating...
tra mit the electrici tra ort host tra ort of dangerous tra ort oiler tra orting cableway tra osition protein tra traffic restart a tra vaal tourmaline tra verse line trace aspects trace elements and he trace elements in flu trace gases trace italienne trace theory trace time trace-free ricc...