tomnomnom/unfurl - Pull out bits of URLs provided on stdin projectdiscovery/httpx - httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes using the retryablehttp library. brosck/mantra - 「🔑」A tool used to hunt down API key leaks in JS files and pages ch...
/u/Andy10gbit Reddit user with good deals on servers and seedboxes Bytesized Hosting "The best Plex server hosting in town" FeralHosting Shared seedbox hosting provider Whatbox Whatbox is a BitTorrent CDN Reliable and affordable web hosting, with the power of your friendly monsters...
it’s a very good return since you didn’t have to accept anyriskwhatsoever. If that 2 percent figure came after you spent the past year following Reddit forums to chase the latest meme stock, your return doesn’t look so good. You had to accept loads of risk while likely losing lots...
Sites likeReddit,Flipboard, andDiggallow you to post your favorite stories, images, and videos. Other users can take these ‘bookmarks’ and add them to their collection or share them with even more users. These type of sites usually have a voting system so members can ‘upvote’ their favo...
When it dines or sups, It bottoms ups. The Duck — Ogden Nash Share this: Tweet Print Email Share Share on Tumblr WhatsApp Reddit Like this: Loading... Posted January 1, 2013 by kenneturner in Capturing the Moment, Nature, Photography, Poetry Tagged with Arizona, Capturing the Moment,...
It’s also entirely possible that these pop-ups to various casino websites are simply a result of linking to the developer’s own affiliate code. This means that they will make money when people deposit money, so when people try to deposit money into one of these casino apps, the develope...
so that in itself proves that you haven’t given up hope. But it’s not just that youarehere—it’swhyyou’re here. This podcast dives even deeper into that “why” and tries to bring that to the forefront of your mind instead of the other garbage trying to pull you down. Host Ri...
If you click theSourcesbox, you can specify where on the web you want Awario to pull mentions from: There are 7 sources to choose from—Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, Reddit, and News/Blogs—and you can turn any of them off/on for each alert you create. ...
For one, he actually met Reddit users in real life, in meetups and parties. In photoshoots, he asked for his face to be blurred. Not only that, but he also hosted a podcast, which Chen used in a phone call with Michael Brutsch to see if the voices matched. After he was doxxed,...
DNSenum - Perl script that enumerates DNS information from a domain, attempts zone transfers, performs a brute force dictionary style attack, and then performs reverse look-ups on the results. DNSmap - Passive DNS network mapper. DNSrecon - DNS enumeration script. DNStracer - Determines where a...