High: Irvington High School This data may not be complete. We recommend contacting the local school district to confirm school assignments for this home.Source: OneKey® MLS GreatSchools rating 7/10 Main Street School School (4 5) Grades: 4-5 Distance: 1.3 mi 8/10 Irvington Middle School...
School Information Elementary School: Dows Lane (K-3) SchoolJr High / Middle School: Irvington Middle SchoolHigh School: Irvington High SchoolHigh School District: Irvington Building Building Area Building Area: 3600 Square Feet Community Community Features: ParkNot Senior Community HOA No HOA Lot In...
Irvington Middle School Grades: 6-8 Distance: 0.6 mi 9/10 Irvington High School Grades: 9-12 Distance: 0.6 mi About GreatSchools The GreatSchools Summary Rating is based on several metrics. Show more The data relating to real estate for sale or lease on this web site comes in part from...
Irvington Middle School Grades: 6-8Distance: 0.6 mi 9/10 Irvington High School Grades: 9-12Distance: 0.6 mi Schools provided by the listing agent Elementary: Dows Lane (K-3) School Middle: Irvington Middle School High: Irvington High School Source: OneKey® MLS. This data may not be co...