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The 1960s & most of the 1970s must have been fruitful years for Raymor and Richards who could reap the rewards of the seeds he had sewn in the 1950s. It is likely that these two decades saw the golden age of the company in terms of its size and levels of sales. The End It is ...
passed on his in the Portfolio (with which, we are told, the old gentleman was so much overpowered, that he was sick for two or three days) it must be confessed that few authors have ever lived to receive such illustrious rewards, or have so completely enjoyed in advance their own immo...
(near-field communications) for contact-less payments;secure element, a dedicated device chip; andnetwork-based tokenizationto protect sensitive financial data.In addition, Apple collaborated with the credit card networks, several banks and a number of merchants in the development and deployment of ...
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