Tags: Form W-4, paycheck, payroll withholding, refund, tax, tax bill, tax turkey, tax withholding, taxes, Thanksgiving What do online holiday shopping and taxes share? Identity theft threats Sunday, November 24, 2024 Photo by Kaboompics.com It’s Thanksgiving Week! The end-of-year holid...
Total = 547 days (365 + 121 + 61), which exceeds 183 days. You meet the test, so you should useForm 1040for 2024. Note that you should useForm 1040-NRfor 2022 and 2023 because you didn’t meet the substantial presence test for those years. ...
Also check your tax returns and make sure your wages and withholding match your employer’s W2. Make sure dependents SSNs and last names are correct. If it looks ok then send all that info back when you get the IRS notice to confirm eligibility for dependent or child payments....