A qualifying child is one who meets the IRS requirements to be your dependent for tax purposes. Though it does not have to be your child, the qualifying child must be related to you. If someone is your qualifying child, then you can claim them as a dependent on your tax return. Not ...
Who can I claim as a dependent? Now that we’ve answered “What is a tax dependent?”, you might wonder who can be claimed as a dependent. At a high level, you can only claim dependents who are either a qualifying child or a qualifying relative. But who is that really? Let’s div...
IRS publications are helpful guides the IRS provides to educate taxpayers. There are IRS publications covering nearly every topic, from reporting tip income to filing taxes as a business owner and how extensions work. Looking for answers on key tax topic
If you are not a resident of one of these 25 states, IRS Direct File is not an option for you in the pilot stage. Can you File State Tax Returns with IRS Direct File? With a few exceptions (AZ, CA, MA, NY, and WA), it’s important to note that at this time, those who part...
DEPENDucator: Check if you can claim a dependent. CHILDucator: Determine if you’re eligible for the Child Tax Credit. CAREucator: Calculate the Child and Dependent Care Credit. FILEucator: See if you need to file a tax return. EITCucator: Check your eligibility for the Earned Income ...
Who Owns the IRS? The IRS is a bureau of the U.S. Department of Treasury and considers itself a "tax administrator" that works under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. So rather than be "owned" by the Treasury, the IRS "works for" the Treasury. ...
In addition to the earned-income tax credit, the child tax credit and the credit for other dependents, this year the system will cover filers claiming the child and dependent care credit; the premium tax credit for those who get health coverage from the Affordable Care Act marketplace; the ...
Direct File will also accept more tax breaks, including thechild and dependent care credit,premium tax creditfor Marketplace insurance and thecredit for elderly or disabledandretirement saver's credit. While filers still must claim the standard deduction, Direct File will add the tax break forhealt...
You must be eligible for tax benefits to claim them. For instance, to qualify forhead of householdstatus, you must be unmarried, have a qualifying dependent who lives with you, and pay more than half of the household expenses for the year.4 Tax benefits foreducational expensescan only be cl...
Someone who is not related to the taxpayer can become a qualifying relative by living with the taxpayer all year. A person who died during the year but lived with the taxpayer until death or was born during the year and lived with the taxpayer for the rest of the year is considered a q...