可以使用IRS的在线工具“Where's My Refund?”来查询所得税退款的最新状况。 解决退税问题: 如果您的退税存在某些问题,可能是由于以下原因: 退税调整:IRS对您的税表进行了更正,会发送通知说明更改,并通过“Where's My Refund?”工具提供详细信息。 退税抵消:您的退款可能被用于抵消您的IRS税务余额或某些州和联邦...
IRS提醒,Where's My Refund或者IRS2Go App是查询联邦退税最便捷的方式,而使用E-file电子报税以及选择Direct Deposit直接存款进账户则是最安全快捷能收到退税的方式。 什么情况会导致退税延迟? 在一般情况下,如果报税没有问题,IRS会在收到税表的21天内寄出退税款项。IRS表示,今年如果一早报税又包含了EITC/ACTC的话...
在IRS官方网站的首页,您可以找到一个名为“Where's My Refund?”的查询工具。点击该工具,进入查询页面。 3. 输入必要信息 在查询页面,您需要输入一些必要的信息,例如社会安全号码(个人纳税人)或纳税人识别号(企业纳税人)、所报税表的类型以及报税年份。确保输入的信息准确无误。 4. 提交查询请求 在输入必要信息...
With tax season underway, here's what you need to know about tracking your tax refund and your new 2025 tax brackets.
In most cases, 'Where’s My Refund' will show you one of three refund statuses. Received:The IRS has your tax return and is processing it. Approved:The IRS is preparing to send your refund. Sent:Your refund money is on its way. ...
在以电子方式提交纳税申报表24小时后,纳税人可以在IRS的“Where's My Refund?”页面查看其退税状态(https://www.irs.gov/wheres-my-refund)。IRS表示,提交纸质申报表的纳税人需要等待大约四周的时间才能在Where's My Refund应用程序上查到其退税状态。
What to know about "Where's my refund?" and the new 2025 tax brackets With tax season underway, here's what you need to know about tracking your tax refund and your new 2025 tax brackets. Jan 30 IRS has started accepting tax returns. Here's how when you'll get your refund. ...
想要查看退税状态的纳税人可以访问IRS的“Where's My Refund”页面( https://www.irs.gov/refunds )、使用IRS应用程序查询或致电IRS。 居民小心!年轻女子塔夫茨大学附近遇袭,警方寻线索 MBTA开始夏季服务时间表!这些地铁线增减频次 2023年大波士顿地区最佳公立高中榜单来啦!近期买学区房必看!
Learn how TaxAct helps you easily track and monitor your tax refund status. Get real-time updates on the whereabouts of your IRS tax refund and more.
They have also introduced tools like Where's My Refund (now simply called Check My Refund Status) and IRS2Go, both designed to let filers see where their refunds are. But, like anything that deals with the impatient public, if things don't work right, it can be a struggle. ...