IRS提醒,Where's My Refund或者IRS2Go App是查询联邦退税最便捷的方式,而使用E-file电子报税以及选择Direct Deposit直接存款进账户则是最安全快捷能收到退税的方式。 什么情况会导致退税延迟? 在一般情况下,如果报税没有问题,IRS会在收到税表的21天内寄出退税款项。IRS表示,今年如果一早报税又包含了EITC/ACTC的话...
Using the “Where’s My Refund” Tool The easiest way to track your refund status is through the IRS’s online tool, “Where’s My Refund”. This tool is available for free on the IRS website and can be accessed by anyone who has filed a tax return. If you have filed your tax re...
What to know about "Where's my refund?" and the new 2025 tax brackets With tax season underway, here's what you need to know about tracking your tax refund and your new 2025 tax brackets. Jan 30 IRS has started accepting tax returns. Here's how when you'll get your refund. ...
如果纳税人选择经转帐直接存款并且他们的税表没有问题,他们将在电子报税后的21天内收到退税。纳税人应该在http://IRS.gov上使用Where's My Refund?来查看个人退税状态。 虽然国税局从1月23日开始接收税表,但不能在2月中旬之前发放包含低收入家庭福利优惠( Earned Income Tax Credit)或附加子女税优惠(Additional ...
想要查看退税状态的纳税人可以访问IRS的“Where's My Refund”页面( )、使用IRS应用程序查询或致电IRS。 居民小心!年轻女子塔夫茨大学附近遇袭,警方寻线索 MBTA开始夏季服务时间表!这些地铁线增减频次 2023年大波士顿地区最佳公立高中榜单来啦!近期买学区房必看!
03改进了“我的退税在哪里?(Where's My Refund?)”工具,之前该工具提供的信息有限,更新版本将使纳税人能够以简单的语言查看更详细的退税状态消息。 04增加数字化业务处理,使纳税人能够从网上提交所有通信、非税务表格、回复通知以及提交 20 种额外的税表。
In most cases, 'Where’s My Refund' will show you one of three refund statuses. Received:The IRS has your tax return and is processing it. Approved:The IRS is preparing to send your refund. Sent:Your refund money is on its way. ...
With tax season underway, here's what you need to know about tracking your tax refund and your new 2025 tax brackets.
纳税人可以通过IRS官网的“Where’s My Refund?”工具或IRS2Go应用程序查询退税状态,您可以在国税局收到税表的24小时后或在寄出纸质税表的4周后看到更新。 来源:美国中文网 "不用再拨钟,天天夏令时",参院通过法案,或2023年全面生效 耶鲁大学毕业...
If you have already filed your tax return for 2023 and have a refund coming, there is a quick way to track it using the IRS' "Where's my refund" tool.