The IRA rules are so complex that taxpayers and their advisors often fall into tax traps that can lead to substantial taxes on inherited IRAs. But in several recent instances, the IRS has provided relief when IRA owners were unaware of how...
you have established a nexus and have to pay taxes on any sales that were made to a resident of that state. Your physical presence is not required for this to take effect; business conducted over phone, Internet, or fax is treated the same. There are many cases where this happened. For...
Traditional IRAs have the greatest tax implications if converted to a Roth or liquidated. Investors converting a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA must pay theincome taxesassociated with the traditional IRA before depositing funds in a Roth IRA. Investors making a liquidation from a traditional IRA to...
Nonspouse beneficiaries must empty their inherited IRA accounts within ten years of the original account holder’s death. Annual RMDs are required for nonspouses if the original account holder had already started taking RMDs before their death. Due to confusion, the IRS waived annual RMDs for the...