民主党人士及消费者权益倡议团体均对国税局的电子报税系统试办计划,共和党与民间报税服务公司则质疑政府资源是否妥当运用,因为市面上已经有其他的免费报税选项存在。 国税局开放包括华尔街日报在内等媒体实际操作"直接申报"系统,报导指出,这套系统最大好处在于完全不收钱,即...
民主黨人士及消費者權益倡議團體均對國稅局的電子報稅系統試辦計畫,共和黨與民間報稅服務公司則質疑政府資源是否妥當運用,因為市面上已經有其他的免費報稅選項存在。 國稅局開放包括華爾街日報在內等媒體實際操作「直接申報」系統,報導指出,這套系統最大好處在於完全不收錢,即時對話(live chat)功能讓使用者能與國稅局員...
Once you have registered, follow the online instructions to have a PTIN assigned. Form W-7P, Application for Preparer Tax Identification Number is used to apply for a PTIN(PDF). Instant Help Available Chat with Live Person Click Here to chatIRS...
IRSTaxTraining.com - The leader in tax professional education and test preparation When it comes to continuing professional education and testing, we know what the IRS requires from you. But we’re just as interested in what your world demands. Like quality learning tools that focus on the rig...
This service was great! much easier than going to the court house. I love the "Live Chat" help. Wonderful and prompt response! very helpful to us truckers. Sheila Taylor -California Read More » e-File your Federal Excise Tax Returns Today!
This service was great! much easier than going to the court house. I love the "Live Chat" help. Wonderful and prompt response! very helpful to us truckers. Sheila Taylor -California Read More » e-File your Federal Excise Tax Returns Today!
Virtual Assistance:The IRS offers virtual assistance through their website, where you can engage in online chat sessions with IRS representatives. This can be particularly helpful if you have specific questions or need clarification on certain tax matters. ...
Live support Available with some pricing and filing options Terms apply. Pros Simple step-by-step guidance that's easy to follow Unlimited on-demand chat or video support with Online Assist plans Ability to speak to a tax expert who has an average of 10 years experience (costs extra) ...
Let's face it, no one likes this tax stuff, it can be confusing and time consuming. Our excellent customer support is nothing short of heroic! If you need assistance feel free to email, live chat, or call us. We'll help you through the process and put your mind at ease. ...
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