Maybe you have been accused of tax evasion, or some other form of tax fraud. Some of my clients were not even aware that anything had gone wrong until the IRS came looking for them.A simple mistake, oversight, or your accountant’s malpractice may trigger an IRS criminal investigation. ...
If you have received an IRS tax levy notice, it’s time to contact an experienced tax lawyer who understands the levy process and solutions.
Delia Law provides IRS tax help for IRS tax problems. Schedule an appointment with a tax attorney today to solve your IRS tax issues.
The Treasury Department and IRS Release Final Regulations on Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)
With offices in New York, New Jersey, Florida and California, Goldburd McCone LLP offers comprehensive civil and criminal tax legal services for individuals and businesses 212-302-9400 .
Stripe Tax vous permet de calculer, de percevoir et de déclarer vos taxes sur les paiements internationaux à l'aide d'une seule intégration. Inscrivez-vous dans les pays appropriés, percevez automatiquement le bon montant de taxes et accédez aux rapports nécessaires pour vos déclarations...
Founder Michael Dallo is a San Diego tax attorney and CPA, Certified Tax Law Specialist handling IRS disputes. Let our top-rated tax lawyers help you.
Provision for income tax - - - - Net loss $ (15,498 ) $ (4,950 ) $ (19,670 ) $ (8,547 Basic and diluted net loss per share $ (0.25 ) $ (0.09 ) $ (0.33 ) $ (0.16 Basic and diluted weighted average shares outstanding 61,905 52,371 59,116 53,792SOURCE: Pieris Pharm...
Attention regarding tax shelters is often focused on the sophisticated financial transactions marketed by major accounting firms to companies like Enron, which generally rely on complicated arbitrage techniques recognizing slight but expandable incon%sistencies in the tax law. Another area, less the ...
Geldbußen nach sich ziehen. Da der IRS großen Wert auf dieses Formular legt, sollten auch Unternehmen die erforderliche Sorgfalt walten lassen. Sollten PSEs das Formular 1099-K nicht oder aber in fehlerhafter oder unvollständiger Form einreichen, müssen sie ebenfalls mit Strafen ...