Internal Revenue Service (IRS) which suggests that two separate bond deals do not violate private-use bond restrictions and can remain tax-exempted. Regulations of IRS regarding financing of an unidentified municipal utility system; Regulations of private-activity bond; Ruling of the IRS regarding ...
To be exempt from the tax, a highway motor vehicle must be used and actually operated by: - The Federal Government, - The District of Columbia, - A state or local government, - The American National Red Cross, - Non-profit volunteer fire department, ambulance association, or rescue squad...
Explore recent news and coverage regarding PFICs. Browse through a list of articles about U.S. taxpayers and their foreign investments on Tax Notes!
Different business structures have distinct tax benefits and obligations. If you want to change your business's tax status, you'll need to file IRS Form 8832.
What is IRS Form 720? How do you calculate and pay excise tax? Visit Defense Tax Partners now and get step-by-step instructions for filling out Form 720.
least 80% of their tax liabilities. The Treasury will release a form for these taxpayers to attach to their 2018 Tax Returns exempting them from penalties. Taxpayers that already filed their returns and paid the penalties may request a refund from the IRS for the amounts they paid to the ...
A copy of the letter showing the proposed changes Tax periods involved Schedule of adjustments the taxpayer disagrees with Statement of fact supporting the taxpayer’s position Statement outlining the law the taxpayer relies on Declaration under penalties of perjury attesting the statement of facts as ...
Underpenaltiesofperjury,IdeclarethatIhaveexaminedacopyofmyelectronicindividualincometaxreturnandaccompanyingschedulesand statementsforthetaxyearendingDecember31,2014,andtothebestofmyknowledgeandbelief,itistrue,correct,andcomplete.Ifurtherde- clarethattheamountsinPartIabovearetheamountsfrommyelectronicincometaxreturn...
“I was initially under the impression that my staff was sharing a copy of the Onion, until I realized this story was, in fact, true,” Blumenauer wrote. The IRS, which has suffered its own embarrassing data breaches as well as a tidal wave of tax-identity fraud, has taken steps to ...
The Government Reform and Oversight Committee staff’s latestreporton Lerner “relies on emails, documents, and other testimony about her cracking down on tax exempt organizations that exercise their rights to free political speech,” Issa said in a statement Tuesday stating that his committee’s in...