Lend someone money at zero interest, and you don't make any profit from the deal. Therefore, you might assume that the loan doesn't have any tax implications for you. In many cases, though, you'd be wrong. The tax code expects you to charge a certain amo
National Family Mortgage has originated over $40 million in loan volume since inception, while keeping over $20 million in interest within families. With interest rates that are typically lower than rates charged by a bank, National Family Mortgage allows consumers to take major ...
The parties must account for all of the plan’s economic benefits, including items such as imputed interest on Hammock’s premium payments, table 2001 reportable economic benefits depending on the policy terms and—very important—Don must actually pay his share of the annual premium cash payment....
complex partnership audit rules that present thorny issues, including the default rule to impose a partnership-level tax (called the imputed underpayment). The unique way in which the imputed underpayment is calculated generally makes it significantly higher than the tax would be if paid by the ...