While reaching the maximum donation limit may not seem like something you’d ever encounter, it would be wise to not completely write off that possibility. If you intend to donate a large cash or high value non-cash amount to a qualified 501(c)(3), it is in your best interest to get...
IRs: Publication Method of Last Resortdoi:10.7771/2380-176X.8413Anton AngeloPurdue University (bepress)
Taxpayers interested in finding local legitimate charities might be better off using theIRS's bulk download tool. With this tool, you can pull a list with all organizations by the following criteria: Publication 78: A list of all organizations eligible to receive tax-deductible cont...
After initial publication of this article, an IRS spokesperson confirmed to PolitiFact that this did not happen. This scenario hasn’t been featured in any legitimate news coverage. The IRS has a criminal investigation division for which it buys weapons and ammunition. Agents who are a...
Consent for publication All authors have read the manuscript and have consented towards the publication of the same. Competing interests None to declare.Additional information Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations...