IRS phone numbers Other ways to contact a real person at the IRS Before you call the IRS When not to call the IRS Show More MORE LIKE THISSolving Tax IssuesTaxes The main IRS phone number is 800-829-1040, but that’s not the only IRS number you can call for help or to talk to...
NAME WHO IT'S FORPHONE NUMBER IRS Tax Help Line for Individuals For those who want info on their 1040-type returns 800-829-1040 Business and Specialty Tax Line For small businesses, corporations, partnerships and trusts for info or help on business-related issues800-829-4933Refund Hotline Aut...
How can I reach a live person at the IRS using the IRS customer service phone number?To connect with a live IRS agent, follow these steps when you call the IRS customer service phone number:Press 1 for English. Press 2 for "Personal Income Tax." Press 1 for "Form, Tax History, or ...
At that time, however, the IRS's statistics did not show an increase in the number of issues going to Appeals. Tax Executives Institute-large and mid-size business division-liaison meeting minutes: February 7, 2006 2004-488 would give the corporation six months after the due date for the ...
Enter all your IP PINs for you and your family. If you and/or your spouse have an IP PIN, enter this when you e-file your return on If your dependent or dependents have IP PINs, enter these on the dependent screen within your eFile account. The IRS issues an IP PIN eac...
Seems like given the number of people having issues the answer might be no but what is the solution then? In person? Ok where? Does that scale? State or federal office? How do you tie the in person visit to online account? If you do not agree with the need for IAL2 then what...
You will receive an e-mail confirmation when the refund is issued, but the actual refund to your credit card may take a few days. Please contact our business support team at the phone number provided in your e-mail confirmation if you have any issues or questions....
Contact Information: Reiterate your contact information such as your phone number and email address, so the IRS can easily reach out to you if needed. Gratitude: Express appreciation for the IRS’s attention to your letter and for their timely response. This showcases your professionalism and gra...
Contact information (physical address, e-mail address, phone number) Legal name Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).A TIN is required by the IRS for the administration of tax laws. In most cases, your TIN is either an Employer Identification Number (EIN) or a Social Security Number (SSN)....
A list of mailing addresses for the IRS is available on the IRS website.8Individuals can contact the IRS by phone at (800) 829-1040, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. local time. There are other toll-free numbers for businesses and other purposes.9For online assistance, try...