If you don’t get anything back by then, don’t send another letter to the IRS (that can cause more confusion); instead, call them at the phone number below. Provide your LLC name and EIN Number and ask them to check their records and let you know the status. Often you can just ...
As the IRS notes, for nine out of ten tax filers it takes a maximum of 21 days to receive a tax refund (when eligible) after their tax return has been accepted. But this is still just an estimate based on past IRS refund schedules and not a guarantee. Fu
Your identity will be verified over the phone and a new IP-PIN will be mailed to your address of record within 21 days. Exceptions: If you’ve moved since January 1 of this year, or It’s after October 14 and you haven’t filed your current or prior year return. Let us help you ...
then you may want to contact the IRS directly to make sure that they do not have any record of it. If they still have not received it, I suggest mailing another copy of your tax return to them. Be sure to mail it with a tracking number this time. For one,...