(2) The IRS Applicable Federal Rate for that repayment term during the month in which the loan is made. The IRS Applicable Federal Rates change monthly. Typically, the IRS will announce the minimum required rates for transactions occurring in an upcoming month, around the twentieth day of the...
If you lent someone money at zero interest, you might assume that the loan has no tax implications. But you may owe imputed interest. When you don't charge interest on a loan, or make a “below-market-rate loan”, the IRS may still tax you. Imputed inter
The HIRS TPW and UTPW products are binned into a global map of 0.5◦ lat-lon boxes, for 4 time periods daily (night before and after midnight and day before and after noon), compiled into monthly amounts (for the operational months of each satellite). The regression coefficients are ...