Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Kansas City, MO 64999-0019 Switch to E-file Today for Quick Processing and Instant Approval. E-File Now If the Form is 1041-QFT, 8725, 8831, 8876, 8924, 8928 AND your principal business, office, or agency is located in ...THEN file ...
Kansas City, MO 64108 OR Internal Revenue Service M/S 6273 Ogden, UT 84201-0023 Use the Kansas City, Missouri address if your LLC is located in any of the following states: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachuset...
Mail Stop 6055 S-2 Kansas City, MO 64108 Internal Revenue Service Stop 6273 Ogden, UT 84201 Which address should I use to request my 147C by mail? You should mail your written request to theKansas City, Missouri officeif your LLC is located in and does business in any of the following...
then you may want to contact the IRS directly to make sure that they do not have any record of it. If they still have not received it, I suggest mailing another copy of your tax return to them. Be sure to mail it with a tracking number this time. For one,...
Find the correct mailing address for IRS tax returns based on your residency. Ensure your return goes to the right IRS mailing address!
Wisconsin Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Kansas City, MO 64999-0002 Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Texas Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Austin, TX 73301-0002 Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, Monta...