在家工作的人士可以申报Home Office Deduction避税,但IRS对Home Office(家庭办公室)的定义要求必须符合以下两点: 必须是定期使用、并且只用于工作的区域; 必须是你的主要业务地点。 如果你家里有个固定用于工作的房间,那是可以申报这个扣除额的;但如果你只是偶尔在客厅用电脑回复一下工作email,那就不可以申报这个家庭办...
7、Self-Employed 自雇人士 自雇人士可以享受很多一般雇员人士不能享受到的税收扣除优惠,比如说Home Office Deduction(家庭办公室)、商业业务相关的行车里程、旅游、用餐甚至娱乐等消费都能作为商业开销降低自雇收入。但IRS对这些开销都有很严格的定义,是不可以随便乱报的。 比如说,艺术家将画笔颜料之类的申报为商业开销...
The IRS has increased HSA limits for 2024. We discuss the advantages of these accounts. The IRS has announced the maximum contribution for health savings accounts for 2024. The maximum contribution for those with eligible plans is $4,150 for self-only coverage ($300 increase over 2023) and $...
For tax years prior to 2018, Federal tax laws allow you to deduct your moving expenses if your relocation relates to starting a new job or a transfer to a new location for your present employer. To qualify for the deduction, your new work location must b
How to Claim the Medical Expenses Deduction Medical and health care expensesare only deductible in the year you pay them. You must itemize your deductions to claim them. This means that you can't take the standard deduction. You should only claim a medical expenses deduction if your total ite...
Tags: appreciated stock, charitable donations, charity, holiday, household goods, itemized deductions, QCD, Qualified Charitable Distribution, required minimum distribution, RMD, standard deduction, tax, tax deduction, Tax Turkeys to Avoid, taxes, Thanksgiving, traditional IRA Tax Turkey to Avoid #1:...
The Section allows the CommissionerofIRStoreallocate income, deduction or other items among controlled corporations, if necessary, to prevent evasion of taxes or to clearly reflect their income. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 若 有此必要,這條 文 容許稅務局局長就互控公 司的收入、稅項扣減或其他項目...
Tax reform changed rules related to moving expenses. Are moving expenses tax deductible? For most people, the answer is no. Military personnel can still claim the deduction but must meet certain requirements to qualify.
“I don’t care what the law states,” Mary began. “We took deductions for entertaining people. They were clients of my husband’s, and that makes it a legal deduction.” “Yes ma’am, but did you really spend $5000 entertaining. ...
But it's only worth claiming them if the total is more than the standard deduction you're entitled to claim for your filing status. Otherwise, you'd be paying tax on more income than you have to.16 The Bottom Line Preparing a tax return and paying any taxes you might owe can certainly...