As you determine values, remember that used clothing and household items are likely to be worth a lot less than you paid for them. They also still have to be in reasonably good condition if you want to take a deduction. For any donations you make over $250, you'll need to make sure ...
Most donations to places of worship, international relief organizations and war veterans groups are deductible. You can write off cash, property or stock at fair-market values. You can also donate clothing and household items that are in good condition. In past years, a private log o...
Learn how to estimate the value of clothing for IRS tax deductions as charitable donations. The value of clothing donations to charity are based on published lists of retail values or current thrift store prices. List your donation values on the Form 828
In donating clothing and other goods to a charitable organization, the donor needs to receive an itemized slip from the organization listing what has been donatedandthe condition of the items. If you are selected for an audit, the deduction may be denied because there’s nothing specific listed...
If the combined value of all property you donate is more than $500, you must prepare IRS Form 8283.