IRS.gov上提供的许多信息,与国税局电话专员所能提供的相同。 国税局预计,随着在未来几周内完成对新的电话专员的更多培训,今年能为纳税人和税务专业人士提供的电话服务将得到显著改善。然而,国税局强调应重点指出来电量仍处于历史高位。... WHO NEEDS AN IRS TAX HISTORY? Identity Theftis a major concern and one of the main reasons for an IRS Tax History. Tax-related identity theft happens when someone steals your personal information to commit tax fraud. Your taxes can be...
• Prepare, efile, print tax return • Refund via check in the mail • Fast direct bank refund deposit (optional) • Prepare, efile, print state tax return (optional) • Online help and support • Start now and finish later!
新的官方指南来了。 根据美国国税局官网,其“决定不会质疑与一般福利和救灾相关补贴的可征税性。” 该机构表示,加州的“中产阶级退税”(MCTR,又称通胀补助金、油价退税补贴)属于这一类,其他16个州也是如此。 查看原文:
( 免费报税义工服务中心 图片来自于,版权属于原作者 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance(报税义工团队,简称VITA)会向年收入在$60,000或以下、残障或英语不流利的人士提供免费的报税服务。还有由AARP提供...
it provides a wealth of resources to assist law-abiding persons in understanding and complying with the complicated tax laws of the country.An excellent search engine at the IRS Web site,, gives access to thousands of online publications,forms,instructions,and even internal IRS ...
in the implementation of FATCA,” said IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. “With it, comes the start of a secure system of automated, standardized information exchanges among government tax authorities. This will enhance our ability to detect hidden accounts and help ensure fairness in the tax system...
如果被IRS驳回,被执行人可以向税务法院(Tax Court)提出上诉,要求法院审理并撤销IRS的没收决定。 IRS向DOJ的税务部门起诉被执行人,并申请拍卖没收财产的许可; DOJ向地区法院(US District Court)起诉被执行人,并提出法拍请求; 被执行人有权在此时回应DOJ的起诉,并且通过法律手段阻止法拍; 针对主要居所这类财产,根据...
Whether you are an individual taxpayer, a business owner, or a tax professional, this website offers valuable tools and guidance to help you understand and fulfill your tax obligations. From filing your tax returns electronically to accessing forms, publications, and instructions, is a ...
You must report all income on your tax return unless excluded by law, whether you received the income electronically or not, and whether you received a Form 1099-K or not. The box 1a and other amounts reported on Form 1099-K are additional pieces of information to help determine the ...