In 2023, Corporation S, an electing small business corporation, is required to file one 2022 Form 1120-S (U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation), two Forms W–2 (Wage and Tax Statement), two Forms 1099–DIV (Dividends and Distributions), one Form 940 (Employer's Annual Fed...
E-file 940, 941, and/or 944 Federal Forms in QuickBooks Desktop Update your EFTPS Internet password Let me know how it goes. I'd love to help you more. Cheer Reply kimkennedy Level 1 January 13, 2021 12:07 PM @MaryLurleenM I can't do that for the state W2s returns...
File the form with the IRS Service Center where your corporation usually files its tax return. File Form 1120S and Forms 940 and 941 With the IRS You must file a final tax return for your S corporation using form 1120S, and check the box next to the words “Final Return” at the top...