1035 Exchange转换条款,为消费者提供了一种免税的,交换(Rollover)带有现金值的人寿保险保单或年金合同的法律方式。在进行产品转换时,保单或年金,不会被视为被出售。 1035转换这个操作,在金融保险行业,有时候被称为“保单急救(Policy Rescue)”。 需要注意的是,只有当涉及同名的合约持有人和同类合约产品转换时,才能使...
IRS Approves Unusual Section 1035 ExchangeChandler, Darlene
aSchematic representation of IRSp53 and PODXL trafficking during the early phases of lumenogenesis.bMDCK cells expressing GFP-IRSp53 were seeded as single cells on a Matrigel layer and left to grow to form three-dimensional (3D) cysts. The cysts were fixed at the indicated time points, proces...
Sec. 1035 exchange of joint-and-last survivor policy. (IRS rule on exchange of joint-and-last survivor life insurance policy for single life policy after death of one spouse) (Column)Chandler, Darlene K
IRS OKs switch of qualified annuity. (Section 1035 exchange of one annuity contract for another)Chandler, Darlene K
Chandler, Darlene