Tax debt forgiveness is incredible news for many people who have fallen into financial hardship. Better yet, the IRS usually freezes penalties and interest once your tax settlement is approved. As a result, you can avoid wage garnishments. Once approved, your tax liability will decrease almost i...
Is there a forgiveness program for back taxes? Yes, the IRS has a program called the Fresh Start Initiative that provides options to taxpayers who have fallen behind on their taxes. This program can offer penalty relief, installment agreements, and, in some cases, offer in compromise, where...
You must be a plan administrator with filing duties under Title 1 of ERISA and provide adequate notice to the DOL that employer guide IRS Form 5500 has not yet been filed to be eligible for penalty forgiveness under the DFVCP. If you operate a private sector employee benefits plan that was...
Handle it yourself.How big is the balance? If it's less than $10,000, you're probably capable of handling the matter yourself rather than paying someone to help you deal with the IRS. Form 9465, the IRS application for an installment payment plan, can be filed online. The se...