美国国税局宣布开启国际数据交换服务(IDES),金融机构和东道国税务机关将在遵守海外账户纳税法案(FATCA)和政府间协议(IGA)的条件下,通过IDES安全地把美国公民财务账目的信息报告传输到美国国税局(IRS)。 WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service announces the opening of the International Data Exchange Service (IDES...
IRS FATCA 注册系统指南说明书 Global IRW Newsbrief www.pwc.com IRS opens FATCA online registration system to provide a beneficial user testing period August 20,2013 In brief The Internal Revenue Service (IRS)announced the opening of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)registration system ...
which provides certain FATCA relief.[1] The Announcement extends from April 25, 2014 to May 5, 2014 the deadline by which an FFI must register with the IRS in order to appear on the first public list of "Global Intermediary Identification Numbers" (GIINs) maintaine...
FATCA: IRS Releases Draft of FFI Agreement and Regulatory UpdatesWillys H. Schneider
IRS releases final FFI agreement under FATCADominick Dell'ImperioKevin Brown
IRS Extends Deadline for First FATCA Filing if a Hong Kong FFI is Making Good Faith Efforts to Comply with FATCA Reporting ObligationsPaul F. DePasqualeSteven R. SiekerRichard L. Weisman
IRS Revenue Procedure 2014-13, FFI Agreement for Participating FFI and Reporting Model 2 FFI in an easy to read formatJohn Gibson