Any organization that requires an EIN needs to fill out an SS-4. EINs are assigned to organizations by the IRS to identify them for tax purposes. You must fill out Form SS-4 if you do not have an EIN for your organization and it pays wages to any employee(s), you need an EIN for...
If either of these scenarios happens to you, don’t worry—there is a solution if you don’t have possession of the IRS EIN letter. You can contact the IRS directly and request a replacement confirmation letter called a 147C letter. Start by calling the IRS Business & Specialty Tax Line...
Qualified Retirement Plan Employer Contribution Form Qualified Retirement Plan Participant Distribution Request Recharacterization Roth Conversion SIMPLE IRA Annual Summary Description (For Existing Plans) Spousal Consent Wire Instructions Precious Metals Forms PM Buy Direction Letter PM Depository For...
Different business structures have distinct tax benefits and obligations. If you want to change your business's tax status, you'll need to file IRS Form 8832.
7 Form GroupsOrganized for easy filing 5+ FREE FormsSaves time and money Easily file your IRS forms with confidence by using TaxZerone TaxZerone is an authorized e-file service provider that supports a wide range of IRS forms. Extension Forms Apply for an extension of your business or persona...
Form 8868 is a simple, automatic extension. Filling out this form is a straightforward process, there are only two parts. You will need the following basic information to file Form 8868: In addition to basic information such as the organization’s name, address, and EIN, you will also need...
This form is used to request the correct name and taxpayer identification number (TIN) for the person with whom you are contracting. A TIN is either a Social Security number or an employer identification number (EIN) if the contractor is registered as abusiness entity. ...
Information Required to File Form 1099-INT (Interest Income) The following information is required to be reported when filing IRS 1099-INT Form Payer Details: Name, EIN/SSN, and Address. Recipient Details: Name, EIN/SSN, and Address. Amount paid for : Interest income, Foreign taxes, Tax-...
Do whatever you want with a of the Internal Revenue Code Form: fill, sign, print and send online instantly. Securely download your document with other editable templates, any time, with PDFfiller. No paper. No software installation. On any device & OS. C
To request IRS Form 147C by mail, you’ll need to write the IRS a letter that contains: the date, your LLC’s name, your LLC’s EIN number, and a general request for Form 147C. We’ve created a letter for you, so all you have to do is fill in the blanks with your LLC info...