为了帮助受COVID-19疫情影响的纳税人,美国国税局发布了2022-36号通知,为大多数迟交2019年或2020年申报的人和企业提供罚款减免。 国税局还在采取额外措施,帮助那些已经支付这些罚款的人,近160万纳税人将自动收到超过12亿美元的退款或税务抵免,其中许多款项会在9月底前完成。 除了为受疫情影响的个人和企业提供救济外,...
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which generally provides temporary forbearance relief for borrowers with certain federally backed mortgage loans experiencing a financial hardship due directly or indirectly to the COVID-19 emergency. Similar programs, such as voluntary o...
Tax attorney Daniel Strickland was interviewed by Bloomberg Tax about the IRS' latest efforts to go after fraudulent and overstated employee retention tax credit (ERC) claims. The ERC was created to help businesses keep employees on payroll during the pandemic, but subsequent audits have...
For years, Denmark has been considering moving the bulk of their schooling outdoors and COVID-19 has really pushed them in that direction. Outdoor learning has become quite popular in Denmark where the virus is less likely to spread than it is indoors. Germany Sean Gallup/Getty Images Germany...
Tags: con artists, COVID-19, Dirty Dozen, identity theft, IRS, phishing, scams, smishing, social media, spearphishing, tax, tax preparers, tax professionals, tax scams, taxes 6 reasons to file a federal tax return even if you don’t have to Wednesday, February 26, 2025 You aren't...
Due to supply chain disruptions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the IRS released Notice 2020-41 (the “Notice”), which grants two beginning construction-related extensions for renewable energy projects that produce electricity from sources such as wind, biomass, geothermal, landfill gas, trash,...
There is misinformation spreading on social media regarding a supposed "Self Employment Tax Credit" which is falsely claimed to offer substantial payments to self-employed individuals and gig workers. This misleading information, akin to previous inaccuracies related to the Employee Retention Credit, inco...
IRS Posts FAQs on Paid COVID-19-Related Sick and Family Leave: Employer Tax Credits for Small Businesses Are Provided under the Families First Coronavirus Response ActThe IRS posted FAQs (available at tinyurl.com/y8skgtuq) on the employer tax credits for paid sick...Schreiber, Sally P....
WASHINGTON-The Internal Revenue Service announced Aug. 18 that it extended the deadline for people with dependent children who did not receive the supplementary $500 in COVID-19 stimulus funds. Enacted in March, the CARES Act set up one-time payments of $1,200 for individuals who...
https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/a-guide-to-information-returns/ How can I get a copy of my 1098/1099 form? If you have misplaced or need an additional copy of your form for the current or prior tax year, give us a call at 1-800-655-BANK (2265) and ...