Tax Notes Today Federal and Tax Notes Research Federal : IRS Letter Rulings Consent Granted to Make Retroactive QEF Election 9/23/2024 The IRS granted a taxpayer consent to make a retroactive qualified electing fund election for an investment in a passive foreign investment company. Tax Notes Res...
Commentary: Pay Attention to IRS Rules on InheritancesWilliams, Gary S
You can leave funds in your Roth IRA account as long as you live. Unlike traditional IRA and 401(k) plans there is no required minimum distribution. This makes a Roth IRA a very effective inheritance vehicle because you may potentially reduce or eliminate the taxes your beneficiaries wil...
Education assistancebenefits provided by employers, such as tuition reimbursement, are not taxable up to a certain limit ($5,250 for 2023). If you are a beneficiary of these programs, stay current on any policy changes. The IRS also limits the ability to exclude such assistance from taxable ...