06、表格 8938 和 FBAR 的比较? 除了上述外国银行和金融账户年度报告 ( FBAR ) 的要求外,某些美国纳税人还必须提交表格 8938《特定外国金融资产声明》( Form 8938, Statement Of Specified Foreign Financial Assets)。 在表格 8938 上报告的账户,也通常是他们需要在 FBAR 上报告的账户。 与FBAR 不同的是,纳税...
Easy way to score an IRS audit? Don’t report part of your income. Let’s say you’re employed herding sheep for Farmer Joe and you pick up a little extra cash writing articles for a sheep-shearing publication on a freelance basis. You may be tempted to submit only the W-2 form fro...
During an IRS audit, if the IRS learns that Social Security, Medicare or Railroad Retirement Tax Act (RRTA) taxes have not been collected adequately, the IRS auditor will require the business to file Form 4669. The form is a record of the discrepancy and provides the IRS with the informati...
Filing IRS Form W-9 <img class="" src="https://digitalasset.intuit.com/content/dam/intuit/cg/en_us/turbotax/tax-tips/images/self-employed/filing_irs_form_w9_l8th53wvy.jpg" alt="A female business owner smiles in her studio." width="1200" height="799"> Key Takeaways You’ll usuall...
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Criminal Defense and the IRS Summons Form 2039 Criminal Investigation Division In these matters, the federal government will have the burden of proof to support any summons issued by the IRS, in whole or in part. Challenging enforcement of the summons will be one of the considerations of the ...
Making a mistake on your tax return isn't as big a deal as you might think. The IRS allows you to file an amended tax return to correct any errors you may have made, including missed tax deductions. If you made a mistake or missed something on your lates
FORM 3520 PENALTY AVOIDANCE AND REMOVAL In recent years, the IRS has turned up the volume on assessing and enforcing Form 3520 Penalties — and specifically large Foreign Gifts. Learn More taking over for other tax law firms We specialize exclusively in offshore tax and reporting disclosure. If...
So is the video interview “biometrics” or not? Because both can’t be true. Either taxpayers are providing biometrics in the form of the video interview, or no biometrics are required. The article goes on to state “Any existing biometric data from taxpayers who previously created an IRS ...
If you are one of the possibly millions of Americans who receive a 1099-K form in the next few years unexpectedly, follow these four steps to avoid getting an ill-fated audit or penalty from the IRS: 1. Don’t panic Getting a 1099-K form isn’t a reason to worry—even if the numb...