Finally, Notice 2020-29 clarifies that the relief theIRS issued in March, as well as relief provided in Section 3701 of theCoronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act(the CARES Act), to allow HDHPs to cover COVID-19 testing and treatment and telehealth se...
We also maintain a resource library of legislative responses and regulatory guidance related to COVID-19. The information contained in this communication is not intended as legal advice or as an opinion on specific facts. This information is not intended to create, and receipt of it d...
Employees who must care for someone under quarantine, a child whose school/child care provider is unavailable due to COVID-19, they may receive paid sick leave up to 80 hours and 2/3 of their pay In some cases, if an employee cannot work due to their responsibility to take care of a...
IRS Grants Relief for COVID-19 Disruptions on Tax Residency: Time Rules Are Eased for the Substantial Presence Test for Foreign Citizens in the US and the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion for US Citizens AbroadThe IRS provided relief to individuals and businesses whose tax residence might be ...
2In this regard, it is worth noting that in a similar context involving other COVID-19-related tax benefits, Congress expressly addressed “double dip” concerns. For example, sections 7001 and 7003 of the Families First Coronvirus Relief Act (FFCRA) ...
Responding to requests for relief from the Real Estate Roundtable and others, the IRS issuedRevenue Procedure 2020-23on April 8, 2020 to address technical issues that would have limited the ability of partnerships and their partners to benefit from retroactive Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic...
美国国税局(IRS)周五宣布,将把2020年报税季的开始日期推迟至2月12日。 从2月12日开始,国税局将开始接受和处理2020年度的纳税申报单。 通常,报税季从1月末就开始了。 然而,今年,美国国税局将需要更多的时间来准备于12月下旬生效的新冠肺炎救济法案(Covid relief act)。但是,报税的截止日期仍然是4月15日。
It is surreal to think that this time four years ago the world wasshutting downand the COVID-19 pandemic was just beginning: 2020 was an unprecedented year when people were forced to change the normal mode of operation. Because of the collective trauma we were facing, some everyday things—...
Notice 2021-06waives the requirement to file certain information returns or furnish certain payee statements pursuant to section 279 of the COVID-related Tax Relief Act of 2020 (COVID Relief Act). "Specifically, this notice waives the requirement to file certain information returns or furnish certa...
2020 & 2021 Updates:with the CARES Act legislation providing a number offinancial COVID relief measures, those who itemized taxes could deduct up to 100% of adjusted gross income in 2020 and 2021 for cash contributions. If you give more than your AGI, the excess deduction amount can roll ov...