首先,Safe Harbor提供了三种免交tax penalty的情况: 欠税少于1000。 交税超过当年total tax的90%。 交税超过前一年total tax的100%(超过150k则需要超过110%)。 因此,在收入增长较高的年份,利用好Safe Harbor的规定,可以达到既免除tax penalty,又延后交税的目的。举个例子,假设2023年收入为500k,2024年预计收入为1M。
One way to avoid penalties is by following the "safe harbor" rule, which means "you're meeting that [IRS] pay-as-you-go requirement," according to Long. To satisfy the rule, you must pay at least 90% of your 2024 tax liability or 100% of your 2023 taxes, whichever is smaller. Th...
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2️⃣ IRS的Safe Harbor规则适用于所有应税收入(包括工资、股息、利息、资本利得等),如果你没有通过预扣或预缴缴纳足够税款,就可能被罚款。 预扣税款 ≥ 当年应缴税额的90% 预扣税款 ≥ 去年缴税额的100%(如果年收入 > $150K,则需 ≥110%) ⚠️ 注意: 最安全的做法 → 确保今年预扣税 ≥ 去年...
accessed in other countries where Kalvirs Plan has facilities or where you are located. You consent to the transfer of your Personal Data outside your country, including to the United States. Kalvirs Consulting Corp. is a participant in the U.S.-E.U. and U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor ...
You meet the safe harbor rules by paying at least 90% of the current year's tax liability or 100% of last year's taxes, whichever is smaller. However, that threshold climbs to 110% if your adjusted gross income from 2023 was $150,000 or higher. You can find adjusted gross income on...
WithTurboTax Live Full Service, a local expert matched to your unique situation will do your taxes for you start to finish. Or, get unlimited help and advice from tax experts while you do your taxes withTurboTax Live Assisted. And if you want to file your own taxes, you can still feel ...