肠易激综合征肠易激综合征I rritable Bowel Syndrome I rritable Bowel Syndrome 肠易激综合征肠易激综合征I rritable Bowel Syndrome I rritable Bowel Syndrome 南京第一医院消化科林惠华 收藏 分享 下载 举报 用客户端打开
irritable_bowel_syndrome.ppt,Irritable Bowel Syndrome Dr John Hamlin PhD MRCP Consultant Gastroenterologist Leeds General Infirmary Areas to cover: What is IBS? What are the typical symptoms? Taking a good history What examination should the GP do? What
肠易激综合征(Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS).ppt,肠易激综合征 (Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS) 概述 肠易激综合征( irritable bowel syndrome, IBS)是一种功能性肠病,表现为与腹痛或腹部不适相关,以排便习惯及粪便性状改变为特征的症状群,没有组织结构的异常。 IBS病
肠易激综合征irritable bowel syndromeIBS.ppt,治疗 个体化、综合治疗 治疗 一般治疗 1 首先,详细询问病史以求发现促发因素,并设法予以去除。 2 其次,患者进行耐心的解释,说明疾病的性质、病因、发病机制、病程和预后,以提高患者的治疗信心,更好地配合治疗。这是治疗
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Microscopic Colitis: A Systematic Review and Meta- analysis Eline J.C.A. Kamp, John S. Kane, Alexander C. Ford Clinical Gastroenterology. It's time to bring the best and brightest back to gastroenterology!
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肠易激综合征的新概念Newest concepts in irritable bowel syndrome IBS 热度: functional dyspepsia and severity of psychologic symptoms associate with postprandial symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome 热度: patients with irritable bowel syndrome or constipation have an increased risk for ischaemic...
Irritable_bowel_syndrome (2)Irritablebowelsyndrome GatroenterologyClinicsofNorthAmerica32(2003):507-529 Presentedby高毓佳 2003.8.18 Epidemiology •9-22%•Mostprevalentdigestivedisease•Mostpresentbeforeage45,althoughthe elderlyare92%asoftenasmiddle-aged(painfuldiverticulardisease)•Women2-3timesthanmen...
Figure 1 Total and segmental colonic transit time in patients with irritable bowel syndrome reporting bowel urgency (IBS-U) or not (IBS-NoU) in relation to at least 1 defecation during the 3 days of the test. Mean values + SD. *P < .001; °P < .003. Gastroenterology 2007 132, 38-...