Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits. Here are some commonly used ICD codes related to this condition: K58.9 - Irritable bowel syndrome without diarrhea: This code is used for general cases of ...
【疾病名】肠易激综合征 【英文名】irritablebowelsyndrome 【别名】肠易激综合症;肠应激综合征;过敏性肠综合征;过敏性大肠综合 征;过敏性结肠炎;结肠痉挛;黏液性结肠炎;易激结肠;应激性结肠综合征 【ICD号】K63.8 【病因和发病机制研究的进展】 1.病因研究进展肠易激综合征(IBS)的病因尚不明确,已经提出的有...
ICD‐9‐CM Codes 536.9 Unspecified functional disorder of the stomach 564.1 Irritable colon Epidemiology & Demographics • IBS is a common cause of school absenteeism and use of medical care resources by children and adolescents. • It is the most common digestive disease encountered by gastroente...
Methods At total of 120 US military personnel were identified from the Defense Medical Surveillance System-based International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD9-CM) codes recorded during medical encounters and were grouped based on infectious gastroenteritis (IGE) ...
hypersensitivity and defecation in irritable bowel syndrome Teita Asano1, Ken-ichiro Tanaka2, Arisa Tada3, Hikaru Shimamura3, Rikako Tanaka3, Hiroki Maruoka3, Mitsuko Takenaga1 & Tohru Mizushima4 Pharmacological therapy for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has not been established. ...
Legorreta AP, Ricci JF, Markowitz M, Jhingran P: Patients diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome - Medical record validation of a claims-based identification algorithm. Disease Management & Health Outcomes 2002, 10:715-722.Legorreta AP, Ricci J-F, Markowitz M, and Jhingran P (2002) Patients ...
Younger patients (aged <50 years) and those with several claims with a 564.1 ICD-9-CM code were more likely to be patients with IBS. The PPV for each of these 12 subgroups could be used as a covariate in regression models that predict outcomes of IBS and its management. Conclusions: ...
Yen CM, Muo CH, Lin MC, Chang SN, Chang YJ, Kao CH (2014) A nationwide population cohort study: irritable bowel syndrome is a risk factor of osteoporosis. Eur J Intern Med 25(1):87-91. doi:10. 1016/j.ejim.2013.10.009Yen CM, Muo CH, Lin MC, Chang SN, Chang YJ, Kao CH. ...
Keywords: AXIN1;cholecystokinin (CCK);enkephalins;ghrelin;irritable bowel syndrome (IBS);plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1);starch- and sucrose-reduced diet (SSRD);visfatin