If there is irreversible damage to the environment, it cannot be fixed. 如果对环境产生不可逆的损害,那么这种损害就是不可修复的。 Now when you hear the word“irreversible,” you'll know what this News Word means. 现在当你听到“不可逆”这个词的时候,你就会知道这个新闻词汇是什么意思了。 查看《...
The damage to the environment caused by pollution is often irreversible. (污染对环境造成的损害往往是不可逆的。) 在这个句子中,irreversible用来形容由污染造成的环境损害,强调了其无法恢复的特性。 The decision to leave the job was irreversible, and she had to face the...
Fossil fuels have caused irreversible damage to the environment 矿物燃料已对环境造成了不可挽回的破坏。 2 if an illness or bad physical condition is irreversible, it will continue to exist and cannot be cured不能治愈的;不能挽救的 Miller is in an irreversible coma. ...
irreversible 英标[ˌɪrəˈvɜːsəbl] 词性:形容词 级别:雅思7.0 中文释义:不可逆转的;无法恢复的 英文释义:not able to be changed or reversed 记忆技巧:ir(不)+ reversible(可逆转的)→ irreversible(不可逆转的) 例句1:The damage to the environment is irreversible. 环境受到的损害是不...
By staking our lives on their schemes, decision makers are not meeting the mandate of a democratic society; they are betraying it. They are not ennobling us; they are victimizing us. And, in acquiescing to risks that have resulted in irreversible damage to the environment, we ourselves are ...
ir‧re‧ver‧si‧ble/ˌɪrɪˈvɜːsəbəl◂$-ɜːr-/AWLadjective1irreversibledamage, change etc is soseriousor so great that you cannot change something back to how it was beforeOPPreversibleFossil fuels have caused irreversible damage to the environment2if anillness...
Heavy, Irreversible Damage to Samar Environment Cited
In order to obtain high profits, the capitalists ruthlessly grab natural resources, destroying the environment, making the quiet rural scenery vanished, the natural environment has suffered irreparable damage. Faced with the trauma of nature, its deep vision of Lawrence criticism directed against an ...
irreversible [orpermanent]braindamage irreversibler[o.bleibender]Hirnschaden irreversiblefacialinjury医学 irreversibleGesichtsverletzung 互联网提供的例句(未经PONS编辑处理) For standard building needs, there are two quarries open ( exploitation of granitoids ) at the foot of the Blansky woods - the Zrcad...
The damage caused by the flood was irreversible.(洪水造成的损害是不可逆转的。) The company made an irrevocable decision to relocate its headquarters.(公司做出了不可撤销的决定,将其总部搬迁。) The loss of traditional skills is irreparable.(传统技能的丧失是无法修复的。...