irregularly 翻译翻译结果:不规则地,无规律地,不定期地 应用场景:描述某事物或行为发生的方式不规律、不按照固定模式或周期进行。例如,描述心跳不规律、月经不规律、工作时间不规律等。 造句例句: 中文:他的心跳不规律,需要去医院检查。 英文:His heartbeat is irregular, and he ...
形容词:irregular(不规则的,无规律的) 副词:irregularly(不规则地,无规律地) 名词:irregularity(不规则性,无规律性) 固定搭配:work irregularly(工作不规律) 记忆辅助 可以通过联想记忆法来记住这个单词。想象一个不按照规律行事的人或事物,比如一个经常迟到或早退的员工,他的行为就是“irregular”,而描述他行为的方...
How serious is an irregular heart beat? Dr. In many cases, these irregular heartbeats are harmless and will resolve on their own. Butwhen they occur persistently, they can be serious. When your heart's rhythm is disrupted, it isn't pumping oxygenated blood efficiently, which can cause harm ...
Related to irregularly irregular pulse:sinus arrhythmia 1 1.Physiol a.the rhythmic contraction and expansion of an artery at each beat of the heart, often discernible to the touch at points such as the wrists b.a single pulsation of the heart or arteries ...