Irregular Verb: To Have Future Tense of Irregular Verbs Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What is the verb form of "be"? Verb to be has three forms in the present tense. Am is used with I. Are is used for you, we, and they. Is is used with she, he, and it. Verb to...
Irregular Verbs不规则动词表Verb Past Tense 过去式 Past Participle过去分be(am,is,are)was /woz/,were /ws:(r)/been /bi:n/bear bore /bx:(r)/borne/bo:(r)n/beat beat/bi:t/beaten /'bitn/become became /bi'keim/become /bi'kam/begin began /bi'gen/begun /bi'gan/blow blew /blu:/...
Irregular Verbs不规则动词表Verb Past Tense Past Participle过去分be(am,is,are)was /woz/, were /ws:(r)/been /bi:n/bear bore /bx:(r)/borne/bo:(r)n/beat beat/bi:t/beaten /'bitn/becorme became /bi'keim/become /bi'kam/begin began /bi'gen/begun /bi'gan/blow blew /blu:/blown...
The verbs, they are a-changin’ To be or not to be: That is the infinitive Common Irregular Verbs Changes in the yo form: hacer, estar, and escoger Person and tense changes: ser (to be) and ir (to go) Auxiliary and impersonal: haber First, let’s take a look at how and why Sp...
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外研版初一(七年级)下册电子教材 Irregular Verbs ☞☞英语学习优秀教辅推荐 《学英语》English Learning 七年级《阅读▪周计划》七年级《环球周刊》(半月刊)外研版初一《学英语》报 ↑↑↑ 欢迎订阅 联系林老师获邀加入英语讨论群↓↓↓ (请注明:“...
Irregularverbs' 不规则动词Infinitive Past tense不定式Past tense Infinitive过去式不定式过去式be (am, is, are)let become was, were let begin became lose lost Tbring十began make made buy brought meet met can bought put put come could read read came cut run ran do cut say said did draw see ...
Irregular Verbs不规则 词表Verb Past Tense Past Participle分be(am, is, are)was /woz/. were /wa:(r)/been /bi:n/bear bore /bo:(r)/borne/bo:(r)n/beat beat/bit/beaten /'bitn/become became /bi'keim/become /bi'kAm/begin began /bi'gten/begun /bi'gan/blow blew /blu:/blown /bi...
Irregular Verbs'sList of English Irregular Verbscontains over 370 irregular verbs used in modern English. We also offer freeirregular verb flashcards and exercises, a printable PDF of theTop 100 Irregular Verbs, and an extended list includingrare verb forms. Just scroll down to ...
Irregular Verbs 不规则动词 下载积分: 1400 内容提示: Irregular Verbs 不規則動詞 Infinitive 原型動詞 arise 出現 ex:_She arises at 6:00 am. 她在早上 6 點時起床。 awake 醒來 ex:_I awake everyday at 7 am. 我每天早上 7 點醒來。 be be 動詞 ex:_She is beautiful. 她很漂亮。 bear 承受...